Egy információs lehetőség megteremtésének szándékával indítottuk el 2006- ban az Erdővidék Térségi Televíziót. Műsoraink rólunk és nekünk szólnak. Az országos médiákból értesülünk a nagyvilág történéseiről, de ez csak részben a mi valóságunk. Ami a közvetlen környezetünkben történik sokszor fontosabb, mert nem csak szereplői, hanem szerzői is vagyunk életünk, kistérségünk sorsa alakulásának. A jövőnk nincs “készen” hanem mindig készülőben van. A választásunk akkor jó, ha figyelünk értékeinkre, megőrizzük és továbbadjuk, figyelünk egymás értékeire, mert mindannyian értékek hordozói vagyunk és felelősséget vállalunk lépéseinkért valamint egymásért.
Az Erdővidék Térségi Televízió közzéteszi azon információkat melyek hatást gyakorolnak a kistérség lakói életére, felmutatja a példaértékű eseményeket, bemutatja a térség kulturális, közművelődési, hagyományőrző, közéleti és turisztikai értékeit. A televízió műsorát Erdővidék valamint a megye településén sugározzák folyamatosan az országos kábelszolgáltatók valamint a világhálón is követheti bárki aki a térség inránt érdeklődik. Bízunk abban, hogy a példaértékű események felmutatása, a helyi erőforrások tudatosítása ösztönző erő lesz a vidékünk szereplőinek ahhoz, hogy a térségünk hosszú távú lehetőségeit felmérjük és ezeket minél hatékonyabban használjuk.
Partnereink Barót, Bacon és Vargyas önkormányzatai, intézményei valamint a megyei önkormányzat, a megye művelődési intézményei , a Brassai Magyar Adás és a Pertu.
Cu intenția de a crea o oportunitate informațională, am lansat în 2006 Televiziunea Regională Erdővidék. Programele noastre vorbesc despre noi și pentru noi. Din mass-media națională aflăm despre evenimentele lumii mari, dar aceasta este doar parțial realitatea noastră. Ceea ce se întâmplă în mediul nostru imediat este adesea mai important, deoarece nu suntem doar participanți, ci și autori ai evoluției vieții noastre și a sorții microregiunii noastre. Viitorul nostru nu este „gata”, ci este mereu în devenire. Alegerea noastră este bună atunci când ne respectăm valorile, le păstrăm și le transmitem mai departe, când suntem atenți la valorile celorlalți, pentru că toți suntem purtători de valori și ne asumăm responsabilitatea pentru acțiunile noastre și unii față de alții.
Televiziunea Regională Erdővidék publică acele informații care influențează viața locuitorilor microregiunii, evidențiază evenimente exemplare, prezintă valorile culturale, educaționale, tradiționale, civice și turistice ale regiunii. Programele televiziunii sunt transmise continuu în localitățile din Erdővidék și din județ de către furnizorii naționali de cablu, iar oricine este interesat de regiune le poate urmări și pe internet. Sperăm că prezentarea evenimentelor exemplare și conștientizarea resurselor locale vor fi o forță motrice pentru actorii regiunii noastre, astfel încât să evaluăm pe termen lung oportunitățile regiunii noastre și să le folosim cât mai eficient posibil.
Partenerii noștri sunt administrațiile locale și instituțiile din Barót, Bacon și Vargyas, precum și administrația județeană, instituțiile culturale județene, Emisiunea Maghiară din Brașov și Pertu.
With the intention of creating an information opportunity, we launched the Erdővidék Regional Television in 2006. Our programs are about us and for us. From national media, we learn about the events of the larger world, but this is only partially our reality. What happens in our immediate environment is often more important, because we are not just participants, but also authors of the development of our lives and the fate of our microregion. Our future is not 'finished' but is always in the making. Our choice is good when we pay attention to our values, preserve and pass them on, and pay attention to each other's values, because we are all carriers of values and take responsibility for our actions as well as for each other.
Erdővidék Regional Television publishes information that affects the lives of the residents of the microregion, highlights exemplary events, and presents the cultural, educational, traditional, civic, and tourism values of the region. The television's programs are broadcast continuously in the settlements of Erdővidék and the county by national cable providers, and anyone interested in the region can also follow them online. We trust that the presentation of exemplary events and the awareness of local resources will be a driving force for the actors in our region to assess the long-term opportunities of our region and use them as effectively as possible.
Our partners are the local administrations and institutions of Barót, Bacon, and Vargyas, as well as the county administration, the county's cultural institutions, the Hungarian Broadcast of Brașov, and Pertu.
With the intention of creating an information opportunity, we launched the Erdővidék Regional Television in 2006. Our programs are about us and for us. From national media, we learn about the events of the larger world, but this is only partially our reality. What happens in our immediate environment is often more important, because we are not just participants, but also authors of the development of our lives and the fate of our microregion. Our future is not 'finished' but is always in the making. Our choice is good when we pay attention to our values, preserve and pass them on, and pay attention to each other's values, because we are all carriers of values and take responsibility for our actions as well as for each other.
Erdővidék Regional Television publishes information that affects the lives of the residents of the microregion, highlights exemplary events, and presents the cultural, educational, traditional, civic, and tourism values of the region. The television's programs are broadcast continuously in the settlements of Erdővidék and the county by national cable providers, and anyone interested in the region can also follow them online. We trust that the presentation of exemplary events and the awareness of local resources will be a driving force for the actors in our region to assess the long-term opportunities of our region and use them as effectively as possible.
Our partners are the local administrations and institutions of Barót, Bacon, and Vargyas, as well as the county administration, the county's cultural institutions, the Hungarian Broadcast of Brașov, and Pertu.
Broadcaster: Intermedia Erdővidék Egyesület
Legal representative: Székely Blanka
Mailing address: Kovászna county, Felsőrákos, nr 322
Tax identification number: 25482070
Editor-in-chief: Székely Blanka
E-mail: erdovidektv@gmail.com
Supervisory authority: National Audiovisual Council
Website: www.cna.ro
We do not take responsibility for comments and posts made by users outside the editorial team.
Other websites and online platforms may copy the content of the ERDTV portal with the permission of the ERDTV operator, and only if they include a link to the source of the program on their page.
Editorial Principles of the Erdővidék Regional Television (Code of Ethics): Download from here