About Us
We launched Erdővidék Regional Television in 2006 with the intention of creating an informational platform. Our programs are about us and for us. While national media informs us about global events, this only partially reflects our reality. What happens in our immediate environment is often more important, as we are not only participants but also authors in shaping our lives and the fate of our micro-region. Our future is not "ready-made" but always in the making. Our choices are good when we pay attention to our values, preserve and pass them on, and respect each other's values, as we are all bearers of values and take responsibility for our actions and each other.
Erdővidék Regional Television publishes information that impacts the lives of the residents of our micro-region, showcases exemplary events, and presents the cultural, educational, heritage, public, and tourism values of the area. Our programs are broadcast continuously in Erdővidék and throughout the county by national cable providers and are also available online for anyone interested in our region. We believe that highlighting exemplary events and raising awareness of local resources will inspire the people of our region to assess and utilize the long-term opportunities available to us as effectively as possible.
Our partners include the municipalities and institutions of Baraolt, Bățani, and Vârghiș, as well as the county council, the county's cultural institutions, Hungarian Broadcast from Brașov, and the talkshow Pertu..
Kiadó: Intermedia Erdővidék Egyesület
Törvényes képviselő: Székely Blanka
Levelezési cím: Kovászna megye, Felsőrákos, 322 szám
Adószáma: 25482070
Felelős szerkesztő: Székely Blanka
E-mail cím: erdovidektv@gmail.com
Felügyeleti szerv: Országos Audiovizuális Tanács
Weboldal: www.cna.ro
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Az Erdővidék Térségi Televízió szerkesztőségi elvei (codul deontologic): Letöltés innen